Loads of Variety can be found in this Over Sized Quality Home. Items include:
- Assorted Large Cement Sculptures of the 4 Seasons
- Large Inlaid Italian Secretary
- Bronze Lamps
- Unique Large Steel Mirror with Ornate Center Wreaths
- 10’ Country Farm Table
- 911 Figurine Flag Raising
- Assortment of Pink Princess Depression Glass
- Floral Displays
- Prints include Decorative, Botanicals, Historical, Photographs, and New York City Oil Painting
- 4 Bar Stools
- Vintage Quality Furniture Pieces including Antique and Other Benches
- White, Young America Girls Bedroom Set with Two Chests, Daybed and Storage Bench
- Full Bed White Headboard with Storage Drawer
- Light Taupe and Blue Floor Rug
- Bombay Chest
- Antique Carved Rocker
- Sofas
- Entertainment Unit
- American Girl Dolls and Others
- Caned Side Chairs
- Concave and Other Mirrors
- DVDs
- Hess and Small Trucks
- Asian Handpainted Stacker Tables
- Pair Hand Painted Asian Etageres
- Lladros, Lenox Figurines
- Linens and Curtains
- Large Vintage Floral Tapestry
- Assorted Books including Children’s Books
- Ship Reproduction 1800s Boat
- Double Wood Book Cabinet
- Lots of Decorative Items and Bric-A-Brac
- American Girl Doll
- French Provincial New Drapery
- Mannequin
- Handbags
- Bicycle
- Men’s and Women’s Clothing
- Stationary Bike
- Wine Cabinet
- Antique Thread Cabinet
- Fireplace Screen
- Baskets
- Dog Crate
- 2 Station Parabody CM Gym System
- Perception Kayak
This home is currently under contract. For information on homes like it, please contact:
Maria Siringo
Click here for more info