Vintage Sale in East Rockaway, loaded with items from yesteryear. Items include:
- Reed & Barton Chelsea Sterling Flatware – Never used!
- Sterling Servings Pieces and more
- Quality Costume Jewels and Furs
- Hardman Baby Grand Piano
- Banded Dining Room Table and Breakfront
- French Majolica Tureen
- Antique Books Including Grant and Thomas Moore
- Fast Foam Antique Fire Extinguishers with Brass Labels
- Cloissene
- Vintage Women’s & Children’s Clothes 60’s/70’s
- Adding Machines and Typewriters
- Porcelain and Glass Telephone Signs
- Decorative Items & Serving Pieces throughout
- Royal Copenhagen China Set – Blue Flowers
- Art
- Vintage Lamps
- Assorted Furnishings – Dressers, Chairs and Desks
- Loads of Clothing
- Linens
- Filing Cabinets
- Vintage Wood High Chair & Truck Poster
- Bicycle, Sled and other Garage Items
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